A fuckin ammo drum on the hip, NICE.
Also MA5C, Nice, MA37 is neat but I like a the cleaner silhouette of the 5C over the 37.
A fuckin ammo drum on the hip, NICE.
Also MA5C, Nice, MA37 is neat but I like a the cleaner silhouette of the 5C over the 37.
while Akuma does have various impressive martial arts techniques and an augmented state of body, spirit and mind, DBZ broly just seems WAY too high a target for those things to provide a sufficient edge for even a fighting chance.
Unless I'm missing something with regards to Akuma's techniques and abilities, which is likely.
We can't see it but there's some other inkling whose just writhing in pain wondering what just hit them.
That is alot of thrusters, now the question is what is their purpose?
Individual firing for mid-air adjustment or full blown flight and complex maneuvers?
There is certainly enough angles and points of thrust to EASILY prep any number of knockout inducing acrobatics.
Probably a pain in the ass to get them all maintained and calibrated both in thruster and their motorized coverings.
Its actually not just trusters! The idea is that its general compartments. Like it cna be thusters, missles and my personal favorite: cable launchers so she can ancor herself to shoot big shots or hang form a wall or stand on the ceiling.
She switches out the modules as needed. sometime they just store things. like i imagen a powerful bullet or the mags are stores in some of them. and it be very dramatic to slowly unveil it out of the leg.
And you can't seriously be this edgy, how bout corpse give you the ol' blunt force sploded head treatment?
Some very viscous and ominous ink, no wait, that's blood.
just an on and off Agent of G.U.N.
this manz intends to scare you. AND WORSE IF YOU ARE FOOLISH ENOUGH TO LET HIM.
I watched so much johnny test when I was younger that I can tell you I despise the OG series and have little to no interest in the Netflix version, But I will say that this in particular would certainly be an interesting thing to watch.
joined in 2018. Though I was screwing around with NG stuff waaaay before then, when I was probably a biiiit too young for it.
I am a bloke with who enjoys and does
Writting, Voxel art, Random drawings and Voice acting, but with no particular regularity.
Cambrian College
Joined on 12/17/18