to regret Nothing.
to regret Nothing.
everyone regrating nothing until Postal 3
J00 think h3'd g3t t0 thin9s 0th3r than his ping4s, but n0, 4tleast buttch4mb3r's work had more subst4nce.
Oh no you see I just have a rare illness that causes fever and erectable dysfunction at the sight of hawt.
Sweet detailing.
Thank you!
Jus7 a r3mind3r th4t whil3 Pic0nj0 M4Y or M4Y N0T rul3z t3h NG p0rt4lz, uph0ldin 3xc3ll3nc3*
in cr3ditin** is still 4dvis3d!!!11!1***
(*excellence **Crediting ***advised, non 1337 speak provided for clarity to those not 1337 enough.)
Its neat and all, but why somebody stabbin themselves?
Lucia: ... I've been suddenly and quite marvelously endowed, being primordial evil, I'd hazard the guess something is amiss for my circumstances.
DO NOT join that sex, really it just brings up questions about sciencey stuff like xenobiological compatibility and extraterrestrial diseases. Then there's the social relationship problems like "what if its really good sex and I want it again" and "Is this cheating?*". Really it's not worth it, so DON'T.
(*spoilers, it probably is)
J00 f0rg0tz to s3z n0 H0m0, S0z J00z w0n't b3 rul3zin9 t3h p0rt4lz wi7h th15 0ne!11!1!!
I just realized, Drawing Haru wouldn't work because both Haru and Max are white rabbits, and only one of those two is equipped with means to backup their attatude.
joined in 2018. Though I was screwing around with NG stuff waaaay before then, when I was probably a biiiit too young for it.
I am a bloke with who enjoys and does
Writting, Voxel art, Random drawings and Voice acting, but with no particular regularity.
Cambrian College
Joined on 12/17/18