Awe man, you gotta get a trig formula table, mind If I sent you a PNG of one?
Awe man, you gotta get a trig formula table, mind If I sent you a PNG of one?
im tired today so my brain wasnt working
i know trig i am just too lazy to do it lol
"You will burn in hell and turn into CHEESE, we don't talk about PYRO-ro-ro-ro"
Pic 1 : Milo's got yo back, homies don't leave homies behind.
Pic 3 : MILO, CHILL.
"Remember that time that F#$KING H@$& Clown bit half my face off? well I got an extra pair of eyes after whatever that glowy shit was and I'll say this, It's f$#king DOPE."
I've tried games like this before, I think it was one of the successor games.
Frankly I suck at racing games, the thrills of speed like what you find in this game are awesome but Finding them in the cockpit of a strike craft / fighter with rounds screaming past and the Inertial dampeners turned down/off is my kind of speedy mayhem.
But this, well I can respect the gameplay and feel of it, even If I suck at it.
Yes Hello, Browning automatic rifle, with the following adjustments:
An attached pistol grip rather than the grip situated before the stock.
Re chambered for smaller caliber of round. (5.56mm? perhaps smaller straight neck rather than bottle neck round?)
Hehe, thank you! This design is based off the Colt Monitor model of the BAR
Strafing +50
Armor + 30
Grapple attacks + 20
running speed - 50
back peddle speed - 25
Disables sprint.
We really shouldn't let Sho play dress up, she's far too good at it.
joined in 2018. Though I was screwing around with NG stuff waaaay before then, when I was probably a biiiit too young for it.
I am a bloke with who enjoys and does
Writting, Voxel art, Random drawings and Voice acting, but with no particular regularity.
Cambrian College
Joined on 12/17/18