Some thing's wrong, I can feel it....
Some thing's wrong, I can feel it....
Remington new model army?
I was trying to make it look like a Colt Dragoon but only in the shape (I think those guns still require you to manually remove the cylinder to reload so I wanted to make it function like a top-break revolver
Aaaaaawe hELLL YEA!
"My entrails are out trails yes but don't worry I'm getting tended to, and yes I'll have the eye put back don't worry"
- Snafu
Hank: I don't know why but it seems satisfying to have, like I've seen it in a dream.
Came here for the disturbed tails, was not disappointed
the "..." at the end makes me think he's pissed for some reason, like someone's about to get a major smackdown.
The trick to floating hands is using the stock to connect the gun to the body.
joined in 2018. Though I was screwing around with NG stuff waaaay before then, when I was probably a biiiit too young for it.
I am a bloke with who enjoys and does
Writting, Voxel art, Random drawings and Voice acting, but with no particular regularity.
Cambrian College
Joined on 12/17/18