If you remember that bone crunching sound effect used in "the game" I look at that face on the blue guy and hear that coming from whatever he's about to inflict.
If you remember that bone crunching sound effect used in "the game" I look at that face on the blue guy and hear that coming from whatever he's about to inflict.
it is said "there are no dumb questions, only dumb people", this is pushing that phrase though.
A.I. art is a novel thing but until we need it for some reason, It'll remain a novelty.
I remembered what carcinogens are they are toxic materials that typically lead to cancer.
The tumors growing and fucking you over cancer not the astrology cancer.
looking at "Carcinogeneticist" would that be a field involving carcinogen focused modification of genetics to either modify, induce or prevent cancers and cancerous tumors?
Revolving chamber cannon.
those things can achieve rates of fire comparable if not exact to rotary cannons but only have one barrel.
in conventional weapons, they are lighter and have less taxing maintainance demands with the drawback of having all the heat of a rotary cannon and none of the spin assisted air cooling, which means you can't hold the trigger and laugh for 10 seconds because the barrel will melt.
overheating the barrel isn't an issue with a pneumatic spud cannon though....
*insert 'The More You Know' GIF here*
this image has such a mocking energy to it.
I love it.
I mostly read homestuck to understand the hubub about buckets, but Lord English's would be awesome if he kept better care of his pants and stood at less of a hunch.
aside from that, this is real neat though.
Looks like Bille and Milo were assigned to cole winters this time.
Too bad he's holding the highest rank on that outpost or else the two of them may actually have been promoted.
It's the genius who's getting the "MAD SCIENCE LEADER" part nailed down and mr agent who's getting the hang of "super spook right hand man" act.
Mercenaries, one of the oldest professions along side farmers, hunters, potters and prostitutes.
joined in 2018. Though I was screwing around with NG stuff waaaay before then, when I was probably a biiiit too young for it.
I am a bloke with who enjoys and does
Writting, Voxel art, Random drawings and Voice acting, but with no particular regularity.
Cambrian College
Joined on 12/17/18