Hey peeps, my computer is More or less fully functional now, so here's some news!
So uh, here's a surprise, I made a post in the programming called "Newgrounds chrome extension", IT'S STILL A HOT TOPIC, WTF?
For the love of the forums, Someone please dethrone that thing.
Second up, I SUCK at getting stuff done over the summer, I have nothing to show for Madness day, i used up all my 2D mojo on DRIP PICO, and turns out the Vector software I have likes crashing on my hardware, Unsurprising given my hardware SUX.
I Burned out of some voxel art a short while ago, but I'll get back to it at some point soon, assuming I can pry myself from my mad scrawling on Onenote, yes I use one note for writing stories, It so happens I have other compulsory math education things there too.
But I did promise the raw files for DRIP PICO, if you've got fire alpaca then Here they are, IDK what you'll do with them otherwise but have fun regardless!